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Office 365 Mac Error - View Only Your Account Doesn't Allow Editing

When using your LSUS Office 365 account on a Mac you might see the error 

"View Only Your Account doesn't allow editing on a Mac. To learn more, contact your admin about your Office plan." 

To resolve this issue follow the instructions below.

1. Download the license removal tool.

2. Open the .pkg file from your Mac's Downloads folder.

    Note: If you get an "unidentified developer" error, try opening the file by holding Control + clicking the file > Open. 

3. Select Continue and follow the prompts in the setup wizard.

4. When you're ready to complete the license removal, select Install. You may need to enter your Mac's local admin account password.

5. Now open any Office app and sign in to activate with your LSUS Office 365 Credentials.

6. To uninstall the License Removal Tool, drag the Microsoft_Office_License_Removal file from Finder > Downloads to Trash. 

If you continue to have issues, contact the LSUS IT department at 318-797-5221 or at [email protected].. You can also put in a ticket for the IT department at