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Viewing Your Course Accessibility Report

Getting Started

Looking through your course files, you notice the Ally accessibility indicators and want to start fixing your content, but where to start? The instructor-facing course report helps you determine a pathway to more inclusive education that works for you. Use the report to tackle accessibility issues file by file, prioritize specific issues based on severity, or focus on the easiest issues first. Find your “Accessibility Report” in the left menu bar of your course.

Course Score and Content Breakdown

In the top-left, find your Course Accessibility Score, which represents the average accessibility score across all your files and content. Each content item is checked against the WCAG 2.1 AA standards and scored based on the severity of issue or issues. View a breakdown of the types of content and files in your course to analyze the diversity of your learning materials. 

3 Pathways to Inclusion

1. Ease or Impact?

If you’re just getting started or trying to make some quick fixes, choose the easiest issues to fix. Or focus on your lowest scoring content and aim for impact.

2.  Issue Severity

Focus on specific issues or tackle the most severe issues first. Use this table to address the most severe, major, and minor issues affecting your content and files. 

3.  File Score

View a list of your course files by accessibility score and number of issues. Launch the feedback directly from your Course Report to turn your learning content green.